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12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People

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  2. 12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People Happy
  3. 12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People

Anxiety is a disorder that affects more than 40 million adults in the United States.

12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People - Free download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People. What follows are 12 of the best. To deal with toxic people effectively, you need an approach that enables you, across the board, to control what. 12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people's buttons. Toxic People: 16 Practical, Powerful Ways to Deal With Them Even if toxic people came with a warning tattooed on their skin, they might still be difficult to avoid. We can always decide who we allow close to us but it's not always that easy to cut out the toxics from other parts of our lives.

It is characterized by feelings of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behavior or panic attacks.

Unfortunately, this disorder is often seen as something to be embarrassed of and hide from other people.

Many people live their whole life with anxiety, never identifying the signs and learning proper self-care.

There is an unfortunate stigma around anxiety that it somehow puts a stain on your mental health.

This could not be farther from the truth!

Anxiety can be a guiding force in your life – showing you your limits and forcing you not to put yourself in unhealthy situations!

Related Article: 13 Successful Habits of All Happy Women

Below are 12 ways that I have learned to manage my anxiety and build a mentally healthy lifestyle.

1.) Know Your Limits

This was a difficult one for me! I was an all-in or all-out kind of girl! I prided myself on my ability to be calm and collected in stressful situations. Instead, what those situations were doing to me was ruining my health and making my life miserable. I had to identify my physical and mental limits, and learn when to walk away!

Sit down with a pen and notebook and write down every area of your life that has stressed you out in the past year. When I did this, I discovered that my job, several relationships, and my career goals were taking the joy out of my life and replacing it with overwhelming anxiety.

Identify your limits and learn what triggers your anxiety. If at all possible, limit your exposure to these things. Distance yourself from toxic relationships and set up boundaries. Stick up for yourself! Stop putting yourself in situations that you know will trigger your anxiety.

Although it took me another year, I eventually quit my job and found a career path I was passionate about! I also set up boundaries with several toxic relationships that had previously had an unhealthy place in my life.

2.) Write It Down

When you feel anxiety creeping up, take some time to write down your thoughts. This can greatly help to relive your frustration and 'cleanse your mind' of any unreleased frustrations and fears. A total brand dump!

Not too long ago, a situation triggered my emotions and anxiety – at 10:00 at night. After lying awake in bed for 2 hours, I got up and wrote down all my feelings and concerns regarding the circumstance. I wrote until I felt a calm drowsiness come over me – at 3:00 in the morning.

Sometimes, it may take longer than you think! Cbsa officer induction training program. But it is always a good idea to 'get it out of your system' instead of holding it in and causing increased anxiety.

For me, this is the best way to calm my mind in a moment of stress. It is also a great way to discover any anxiety triggers that I didn't know about previously.

3.) Go Outside and Enjoy Nature

Did you know that your body wasn't even created to stay indoors? Going outside, breathing in fresh air, and getting in some exercise is a vital part of staying healthy and connected.

Most of us work indoors – often seated or stationary. In the past and currently, I spend a majority of my day sitting and staring at a computer screen. Not healthy!

Getting outside and enjoying nature is a vitally important part of my day! It helps me to walk, relax and focus on how beautiful life really is. Nature helps me gain a healthy perspective of myself and my surroundings

4.) Control Your Curiosity

You may find this point interesting, but bear with me! How many of you let your curiosity get the better of you. If you know that something triggers your anxiety, STAY AWAY FROM IT!

In many cases, this has to do with allowing toxic relationships to have an unnecessary hold on you. You don't want them in your life, and yet you still want to know where they are, what they are doing, and what they think of you. Delete, block, and distance yourself! Don't let unhealthy curiosity control your life.

If someone says, 'Did you hear what she said about you?' you can reply, 'No, and I am honestly not interested in knowing.'

Be the master of what you allow into your life and mind!

This has had a powerful effect on my self-confidence and self-image.

I have surrounded myself with people who I love and trust – people who don't have a nasty habit of spreading rumors and gossip. Curiosity has the power to take your anxiety problems to the next level, so learn to control it!

Related Article: 5 Signs Your Relationship Is Absolutely Toxic

5.) Turn on Relaxing Music

Growing up in a musical family, music has always been a powerful source of energy and transformation for me.

The therapeutic benefits of music are undeniably effective. Music has the power to calm anxiety, incite emotions, and change your mood. If your workplace permits it, listen to relaxing music. Turn it on in the car and play it throughout your home. Listen to a music genre that encourages you to relax, breathe deeply, and unwind.

6.) Make Sleep A Priority

Sleep is one of the most overlooked necessities of life.

Did you know that you can only live about 11 days without sleep?

Lack of sleep causes chronic fatigue, headaches, weight gain, confusion, heart problems, and depression. Sleep is essential for a person's mental and physical wellbeing.

Change up your evening schedule and make it a priority to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Anything less should be considered a short-term necessity.

7.) Exercise

To many people, 'exercise' is a dirty word. But exercise doesn't mean that you have to spend an hour at the gym each day or run a marathon.

Take a short walk on your lunch break, take the stairs, take a moment to stretch every few hours, take a walk after work.

This gets your blood moving and releases endorphins – a 'feel good' chemical that can improve your mood and relieve stress.

Walking and light exercise is just one of the easy weight loss hacks for every-day life. A

lso, I have created a list of easy, at-home fitness hacks that have really helped me in my busy life!

Exercise has played a major role in clearing my mind and controlling my anxiety. The saying, 'run it off' really does apply in this case.

Related Articles:

8.) Spend Some Time with People You Enjoy

Everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE hanging out with fun and uplifting people – a social butterfly! There is nothing like laughter and quality conversation to lift my spirts and give me energy.

Did you know that laughter actually releases endorphins into your brain, also known as the 'feel-good hormone'?

Rule: make sure that you are surrounding yourself with truly uplifting people. Because if you hang out with pessimistic, depressing, self-centered people, you will not return home in a good state of mind! This can actually trigger anxiety, putting you in the exact place you tried to get away from.

Related Article:

9.) Come Up with a Positive Mantra

As my job became increasingly stressful, I found myself with my face in my hands, whispering 'I can't do this, I can't do this anymore!' This did nothing more than create additional anxiety and a pessimistic viewpoint. I decided to replace that with a goal that I had.

When dealing with difficult people or circumstances, I always say, 'Stay calm. It's almost over, girl!' or 'It's OK, you will never have to be in this situation again.'

My goal has always been to remain calm, cool, and classy in the face of something I detested. If I 'let loose', it actually makes my anxiety 10 times worse.

If your job is stressful, perhaps you can whisper, 'Giving Notice Day – November 25th'. Find a sentence that will calm you down and give you hope for the future. It can even be something super cheesy! Whatever works for you!

Related Article: 13 Successful Habits of All Happy Women

10.) Find An Outlet

We live in the day of screens – phones, iPads, computers, TVs, etc. When we need to relax or find an outlet, we tend to turn on our TV or disappear into the world of social media. This is neither healthy nor productive. Find an outlet away from any electronic device!

During the most stressful part of my life, this was an area that I neglected for quite some time.

However, when I started actively pursuing a hobby, it gave me something to look forward to – an outlet for my anxiety and frustration.

What do you enjoy? Writing, animals, reading, painting, sightseeing, games, cooking, dancing, biking, gardening, photography, etc.

If you cannot think of anything, try something new! I purchased an adult coloring book and would color and listen to relaxing music during some of my lunch breaks. I never thought I would find this relaxing, but I did!

Learning a new skill will help you focus your mind on something other than your anxiety. It will also boost your confidence, as you learn to master a new life skill.

In my life, when I am alone and frustrated, I have found a powerful outlet in prayer.


As a Christian, my relationship with God is very important to me and I have found Him to be an incredible source of strength and comfort in moments when I feel overwhelmed and alone.

Although I have found other amazing 'artistic' outlets, prayer remains the most powerful outlet to me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed (whether it is in the car, at the grocery store, working, or at home alone), I just start talking to God and telling Him how I feel.

Related Article: 9 Serious Signs You Have No Work-Life Balance

11.) Drink Water and Take Your Health Supplements

Start chugging some H2O! This was the 1st healthy habit that I created in my life! Now I can't go anywhere without a bottle of water. Staying properly hydrated is an incredibly important part of your metal and physical well-being.

12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People

Did you know that you should be drinking an 8-oz glass of water at least eight times a day (2 liters)? Water helps to boost your metabolism (lose weight) and cleanses your body of unwanted toxins.

Supplements have also played an important role in my journey with anxiety.

When I am stressed, the first thing to go is my health. My immune system lowers and I start to get digestion problems, flus, and colds. Implementing health supplements into my daily regimen has changed my health drastically.

Read about the supplements that I like to take here.

12.) Learn To Breath

In my journey with anxiety, this has been the most difficult part to master!

The first sign that anxiety is creeping into my life is my breathing – my throat closes off and my breaths become labored and difficult.

It can take weeks for me to get back to breathing normally!

Many mental health professionals say to focus on deeply breathing in and out. Personally, I try to NOT focus on my breathing. For a long time, I made it an unhealthy focus. Every waking moment, I was thinking of my breathing because I was worried that I would have another panic attack. I had to learn to not focus on it and instead focus on just living life in a healthy and happy way!

If you have constant trouble breathing, go to a professional and seek help! If your anxiety disorder is controlling your life, you absolutely must see a professional. No amount of online articles can cure an acute anxiety disorder.

Related Article: 9 Warning Signs That You Are Emotionally and Mentally Exhausted

Learning to live with anxiety can be a difficult process. But it is very possible to live a healthy and full life! Have you read Carson Daly's story about living with his anxiety disorder? (Read it here) His story is inspirational and his message is powerful! Not enough people talk about this problem and yet it is one of the most common problems in today's society.

If you have any questions about this article, just let us know in the comment section below! We'd be happy to help you out!

When you get disappointed then it can hurt. Sometimes a bit. Sometimes a lot.

It can drag you down into a negative funk for days or even weeks.

But if you learn how to deal with that disappointment in a healthier and more helpful way then it can be less a lot less scary and painful and actually a springboard or learning experience for further personal growth.

That's at least been my experience in the past decade.

And in this post I'd like to share 12 steps, tips and habits that I've learned over the years and that help me to both handle disappointment and to reduce the situations where I get disappointed in the first place.

1. First, accept how you feel.

Disappointment hurts. And that's OK.

Don't try to push it away. And don't try to hide it under a big smile.

I've found that it works better to not be swept away by such tempting impulses.

But to instead accept how I feel. To let it all in and to hurt for a while.

Because if I do then it will go quicker and in the long run be less painful to process what has happened.

If I on the other hand reject how I honestly feel then those emotions can pop up later and at unexpected times. And make me moody, pessimistic or passive aggressive.

2. Remember, you are not a disappointment.

Just because you may have been disappointed, had a setback or made a mistake and disappointed someone else doesn't mean that you are a disappointment or failure.

And this situation that you're in right now won't last forever. Even if it might feel that way today.

The truth is:

  • Just because you were disappointed today or you disappointed someone doesn't mean that you'll be or do that tomorrow or the next time.
  • This does not label you as a disappointment (unless you choose to put that label on yourself).
  • If you keep moving forward and you keep taking action then you'll move on and you'll improve.

3. Learn from it.

Instead of getting lost in the pain and negative emotions that can come from a disappointment choose to see it more as something you can learn valuable things from (and something that'll help you to grow).

You can do that by asking yourself better questions.

Questions like:

  • What is one thing I can learn from this?
  • How can I adjust my course to avoid this disappointment in the future?
  • What is one thing I can do differently the next time?

Maybe you learn that you can likely communicate better the next time when you're in a similar situation or working together with someone else on a task or project.

Or that you need to give yourself a better balance between rest and work to avoid mistakes or to think more clearly.

You might even realize that you need to make a bigger change in your life and start spending less time – or no time at all – with someone who has disappointed you too many times (or always makes you feel like a disappointment no matter how hard you try).

4. Remind yourself: disappointment will happen if you go outside of your comfort zone.

Who is never disappointed? Or never feeling low about a setback or a mistake?

The people who never really go outside of their comfort zone.

Everyone who is now successful and you may look up to have had his or her share of disappointments and failures.

Setbacks and sometimes feeling disappointed is a natural part of living your life fully. A sign of you trying to grow and improve your situation.

I've found that just keeping this fact in mind helps me to stay strong and to more easily handle my own stumbles and setbacks.

5. Refocus on what you still got in your life.

To move on shift your focus to what you still got in your life.

The people, the passions and the things you sometimes may take for granted like a roof over your head and clean water.

Tapping into gratitude in this way helps me to put things into perspective and to not let a disappointment overwhelm me and derail my whole week.

6. Talk it over with someone close to you.

Getting a healthier and wider perspective on what happened is, as already mentioned, a vital part of dealing with disappointment in a better way.

And one of the most powerful ways to do that is in my experience to let it out into the light and to talk it over with someone close to you.

By venting as your friend just listens you can release that inner pressure, sort things out for yourself and accept what has happened instead of trying to push it away or ignoring it.

And if the two of you have a conversation about it then you can see the situation through someone else's eyes and from another perspective.

This person can help you to ground yourself and to not make a mountain out of a molehill. And the two of you can together come up with the start of an action-plan for how you will move forward.

7. If your expectations are of perfection, then adjust them.

If you demand or expect perfection from yourself or from other people then you'll often be disappointed.

So adjust your expectations a bit.

If you're disappointed in what you did, what someone else did or how a situation turned out in your life ask yourself:

Will this matter in 5 years? Or even 5 weeks?

That's one thing that has helped me greatly to not make mountains out of molehills and to adjust my own expectations.

Another helpful thing is simply to remind yourself that if you buy into myths of perfection then you will hurt yourself and the people in your life.

Setting vdisk boot menu as a default optionall about citrix. Because such myths that you may have picked up from movies, songs and simply what the world or Instagram highlight reels are telling you will clash with reality and tends to:

  • Cause much stress and suffering within you and in the people around you.
  • Get you stuck in procrastination because you become fearful of being disappointed or disappointing someone else once again.
  • Harm or possibly lead you to end relationships, jobs, projects etc. because your expectations are out of this world.

Keeping this reminder at the forefront of my mind – and sometimes written down on a piece of paper – has definitely helped me to adjust my expectations and reduce my own suffering and disappointments.

8. Take a break (and find other ways to reduce your stress levels as you move forward).

Just focusing on your goals and working towards them all the time can cause unnecessary stress and make you lose your perspective.

And sometimes you just need a break to get over a disappointment. So take some time to rest up, recharge and to have some fun.

After you've taken that time off from your goals and dreams you'll likely be in a better place to accept and learn from what happened and to then move forward once again.


When you're in this more level-headed place then also take a bit of time to see how you can plan for a better balance between work and restful downtime.

I've found that when my balance between those two things is in order then it is usually quite a bit easier to handle setbacks and things not going as I'd like in a more constructive and mentally centered way.

9. Get outside of your own head.

If you know you have a tendency to get stuck in mulling over a negative situation for too long and going down into a downward spiral then get out of your own head and thoughts bouncing around in there.

Two ways to do that and to focus your attention outward is to:

  • Help someone out. Help a friend plan for a party or a meeting at work. Or help him with moving boxes and other stuff into his new home. Or simply be fully there and listen to her as she vents about a disappointment in her life.
  • Exercise. I find that lifting weights or going out for a long walk is a great way for me to focus outward once again, to renew my energy and to sharpen my focus.

10. Find energy and motivation again with the help of others.

Lift your spirits, up the motivation and your positive thinking with the help of others.

It could be with the help of conversations with friends, family or co-workers.

But also help from other people further away in the world (and sometimes in time). Renew that focus and motivation to keep moving towards your dreams with the help of for example:

  • Books (motivational ones or perhaps biographies of people you look up to) and podcasts.
  • Movies, TV-shows and Youtube-channels.
  • Online forums and social media channels.

Spend anywhere from 10-60 minutes with one or a few such sources to find new energy and a shift in your thinking.

11. Find a small step to start moving forward again.

After you have accepted the situation, perhaps learned a thing or two from it and upped your motivation again start to move forward.

12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People

As a Christian, my relationship with God is very important to me and I have found Him to be an incredible source of strength and comfort in moments when I feel overwhelmed and alone.

Although I have found other amazing 'artistic' outlets, prayer remains the most powerful outlet to me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed (whether it is in the car, at the grocery store, working, or at home alone), I just start talking to God and telling Him how I feel.

Related Article: 9 Serious Signs You Have No Work-Life Balance

11.) Drink Water and Take Your Health Supplements

Start chugging some H2O! This was the 1st healthy habit that I created in my life! Now I can't go anywhere without a bottle of water. Staying properly hydrated is an incredibly important part of your metal and physical well-being.

Did you know that you should be drinking an 8-oz glass of water at least eight times a day (2 liters)? Water helps to boost your metabolism (lose weight) and cleanses your body of unwanted toxins.

Supplements have also played an important role in my journey with anxiety.

When I am stressed, the first thing to go is my health. My immune system lowers and I start to get digestion problems, flus, and colds. Implementing health supplements into my daily regimen has changed my health drastically.

Read about the supplements that I like to take here.

12.) Learn To Breath

In my journey with anxiety, this has been the most difficult part to master!

The first sign that anxiety is creeping into my life is my breathing – my throat closes off and my breaths become labored and difficult.

It can take weeks for me to get back to breathing normally!

Many mental health professionals say to focus on deeply breathing in and out. Personally, I try to NOT focus on my breathing. For a long time, I made it an unhealthy focus. Every waking moment, I was thinking of my breathing because I was worried that I would have another panic attack. I had to learn to not focus on it and instead focus on just living life in a healthy and happy way!

If you have constant trouble breathing, go to a professional and seek help! If your anxiety disorder is controlling your life, you absolutely must see a professional. No amount of online articles can cure an acute anxiety disorder.

Related Article: 9 Warning Signs That You Are Emotionally and Mentally Exhausted

Learning to live with anxiety can be a difficult process. But it is very possible to live a healthy and full life! Have you read Carson Daly's story about living with his anxiety disorder? (Read it here) His story is inspirational and his message is powerful! Not enough people talk about this problem and yet it is one of the most common problems in today's society.

If you have any questions about this article, just let us know in the comment section below! We'd be happy to help you out!

When you get disappointed then it can hurt. Sometimes a bit. Sometimes a lot.

It can drag you down into a negative funk for days or even weeks.

But if you learn how to deal with that disappointment in a healthier and more helpful way then it can be less a lot less scary and painful and actually a springboard or learning experience for further personal growth.

That's at least been my experience in the past decade.

And in this post I'd like to share 12 steps, tips and habits that I've learned over the years and that help me to both handle disappointment and to reduce the situations where I get disappointed in the first place.

1. First, accept how you feel.

Disappointment hurts. And that's OK.

Don't try to push it away. And don't try to hide it under a big smile.

I've found that it works better to not be swept away by such tempting impulses.

But to instead accept how I feel. To let it all in and to hurt for a while.

Because if I do then it will go quicker and in the long run be less painful to process what has happened.

If I on the other hand reject how I honestly feel then those emotions can pop up later and at unexpected times. And make me moody, pessimistic or passive aggressive.

2. Remember, you are not a disappointment.

Just because you may have been disappointed, had a setback or made a mistake and disappointed someone else doesn't mean that you are a disappointment or failure.

And this situation that you're in right now won't last forever. Even if it might feel that way today.

The truth is:

  • Just because you were disappointed today or you disappointed someone doesn't mean that you'll be or do that tomorrow or the next time.
  • This does not label you as a disappointment (unless you choose to put that label on yourself).
  • If you keep moving forward and you keep taking action then you'll move on and you'll improve.

3. Learn from it.

Instead of getting lost in the pain and negative emotions that can come from a disappointment choose to see it more as something you can learn valuable things from (and something that'll help you to grow).

You can do that by asking yourself better questions.

Questions like:

  • What is one thing I can learn from this?
  • How can I adjust my course to avoid this disappointment in the future?
  • What is one thing I can do differently the next time?

Maybe you learn that you can likely communicate better the next time when you're in a similar situation or working together with someone else on a task or project.

Or that you need to give yourself a better balance between rest and work to avoid mistakes or to think more clearly.

You might even realize that you need to make a bigger change in your life and start spending less time – or no time at all – with someone who has disappointed you too many times (or always makes you feel like a disappointment no matter how hard you try).

4. Remind yourself: disappointment will happen if you go outside of your comfort zone.

Who is never disappointed? Or never feeling low about a setback or a mistake?

The people who never really go outside of their comfort zone.

Everyone who is now successful and you may look up to have had his or her share of disappointments and failures.

Setbacks and sometimes feeling disappointed is a natural part of living your life fully. A sign of you trying to grow and improve your situation.

I've found that just keeping this fact in mind helps me to stay strong and to more easily handle my own stumbles and setbacks.

5. Refocus on what you still got in your life.

To move on shift your focus to what you still got in your life.

The people, the passions and the things you sometimes may take for granted like a roof over your head and clean water.

Tapping into gratitude in this way helps me to put things into perspective and to not let a disappointment overwhelm me and derail my whole week.

6. Talk it over with someone close to you.

Getting a healthier and wider perspective on what happened is, as already mentioned, a vital part of dealing with disappointment in a better way.

And one of the most powerful ways to do that is in my experience to let it out into the light and to talk it over with someone close to you.

By venting as your friend just listens you can release that inner pressure, sort things out for yourself and accept what has happened instead of trying to push it away or ignoring it.

And if the two of you have a conversation about it then you can see the situation through someone else's eyes and from another perspective.

This person can help you to ground yourself and to not make a mountain out of a molehill. And the two of you can together come up with the start of an action-plan for how you will move forward.

7. If your expectations are of perfection, then adjust them.

If you demand or expect perfection from yourself or from other people then you'll often be disappointed.

So adjust your expectations a bit.

If you're disappointed in what you did, what someone else did or how a situation turned out in your life ask yourself:

Will this matter in 5 years? Or even 5 weeks?

That's one thing that has helped me greatly to not make mountains out of molehills and to adjust my own expectations.

Another helpful thing is simply to remind yourself that if you buy into myths of perfection then you will hurt yourself and the people in your life.

Setting vdisk boot menu as a default optionall about citrix. Because such myths that you may have picked up from movies, songs and simply what the world or Instagram highlight reels are telling you will clash with reality and tends to:

  • Cause much stress and suffering within you and in the people around you.
  • Get you stuck in procrastination because you become fearful of being disappointed or disappointing someone else once again.
  • Harm or possibly lead you to end relationships, jobs, projects etc. because your expectations are out of this world.

Keeping this reminder at the forefront of my mind – and sometimes written down on a piece of paper – has definitely helped me to adjust my expectations and reduce my own suffering and disappointments.

8. Take a break (and find other ways to reduce your stress levels as you move forward).

Just focusing on your goals and working towards them all the time can cause unnecessary stress and make you lose your perspective.

And sometimes you just need a break to get over a disappointment. So take some time to rest up, recharge and to have some fun.

After you've taken that time off from your goals and dreams you'll likely be in a better place to accept and learn from what happened and to then move forward once again.

When you're in this more level-headed place then also take a bit of time to see how you can plan for a better balance between work and restful downtime.

I've found that when my balance between those two things is in order then it is usually quite a bit easier to handle setbacks and things not going as I'd like in a more constructive and mentally centered way.

9. Get outside of your own head.

If you know you have a tendency to get stuck in mulling over a negative situation for too long and going down into a downward spiral then get out of your own head and thoughts bouncing around in there.

Two ways to do that and to focus your attention outward is to:

  • Help someone out. Help a friend plan for a party or a meeting at work. Or help him with moving boxes and other stuff into his new home. Or simply be fully there and listen to her as she vents about a disappointment in her life.
  • Exercise. I find that lifting weights or going out for a long walk is a great way for me to focus outward once again, to renew my energy and to sharpen my focus.

10. Find energy and motivation again with the help of others.

Lift your spirits, up the motivation and your positive thinking with the help of others.

It could be with the help of conversations with friends, family or co-workers.

But also help from other people further away in the world (and sometimes in time). Renew that focus and motivation to keep moving towards your dreams with the help of for example:

  • Books (motivational ones or perhaps biographies of people you look up to) and podcasts.
  • Movies, TV-shows and Youtube-channels.
  • Online forums and social media channels.

Spend anywhere from 10-60 minutes with one or a few such sources to find new energy and a shift in your thinking.

11. Find a small step to start moving forward again.

After you have accepted the situation, perhaps learned a thing or two from it and upped your motivation again start to move forward.

12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People Use

You don't have to take a big and bold leap though.

When I'm in this place myself I usually try to come up with at least the start for a small action-plan for how to go forward. I do that together with someone – like for example my wife – or on my own.

Then I break that plan down into small action-steps. And get to work with the first of those steps.

If I start procrastinating on that step then I break it down into even smaller steps and take action on one of those.

12. Improve your self-esteem.

Improving my self-esteem has helped me to avoid getting dragged down too far into self-criticism and negative emotions after a disappointment.

It has also helped me to not get disappointed in myself as often as I used to but to handle a setback with a more level-headed mind and more emotional stability.

This also makes it easier to not blame others to feel better about myself and to learn more from this situation and get better results the next time.

So how do you improve your self-esteem?

A couple of the most helpful tips and habits I've found are:

Write down 3 things in the evening that you appreciate about yourself.

Take a couple of minutes at the end of your day to ask yourself: What are 3 things I can appreciate about myself?

Write down your answers in a notebook, on your laptop or a smart phone. This will help you to start focusing on the positive things about yourself and to stop being so self-critical.

Stop falling into the destructive comparison trap.

If you compare what you have, what you've done and who you are to other people and their lives then you'll most often start to feel depressed and bad about yourself.

Because there's always people ahead of you.

So choose another way of comparing instead. Start comparing yourself to yourself. See how far you've come. What you've overcome. And focus on how you've improved your results.

12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People Happy

Those are just two helpful habits for improving your self-esteem.

12 Ways Successful People Handle Toxic People

You can also use much of what you find in this article such as being constructive in the face of adversity, being kinder and more helpful to others, not thinking that YOU are disappointment just because of one setback and replacing perfectionism with something healthier.

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